So where did I get my idea for my novel, I hear you ask.
Well, the story began to formulate in my head on a train heading to Kings Cross (Very J.K.Rowling, I know) Unlike the wonderful Joanne Rowling, I'm sure my idea came from musings that were far from her thoughts the day Harry Potter came into being. You see I was travelling to London to meet the lovely couple I was going to have a baby for.
"What? You had a baby for someone else?" (I know I'm taking liberties with what I assume you are thinking - you could very well be sat there wondering whether to brew yourself another cup of tea for all I know)
Yes, I am currently pregnant. I'm being a surrogate you see, that is, having a baby that once born will go and live in London with its parents. Think of me as a basket (no - not basket case!) I'm just carrying the little squidger until he or she is ready to meet the world.
Anyway, I digress, I was talking about my novel.
"Didn't you say yesterday that your book was about love and adventure?"
Yes, Love is the main theme but it was thoughts of babies, or more acurately, having a baby for reasons other than, well having a baby, that got me started.
Being a surrogate is weird (but altogether lovely!) I started to think of other reasons people have babies. I have two of my own, although they are not really babies anymore. They were both conceived for normal reasons - I wanted kids - I had kids. Surrogacy, obviously finds me pregnant for a third time, but at the end - no kid, well not for me. so why else do people have babies? Aside from the two reasons I just stated and if we take accidents out of the equation I can only think of three more reasons. The first are babies conceived purely to save the life of an older sibling, for donation of some kind of bodily tissue. The second, for monetry gain whether to claim some kind of inheritance or at the other end of the scale, claim benefits. The third? Well, I don't want to give too much away so you'll have to read my book to find out
Any questions?
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